Gas Sticks

Gas Sticks

Ultra-High Purity Process Control Manifold

Low and ultra-high-purity options fully manufactured at Carten to ensure precise point-of-use pressure control for semiconductor tools – can be supplied as an all-Carten assembly, or with specified third-party components.

Gas Stick

Key Features

Available in line sizes up to 1”

High-flow regulator as standard option

Filter and gauge as standard

Complete ownership of component and assembly for servicing / information requests

Typical Applications

Tool hook-up pressure control, tool hook-up shut-off, ultra-high-purity gas control for point-of-use service, and critical application containment functionality.

Key Specifications

Materials of Construction Cleanliness Specifications Options

316L stainless wetted area

Manufactured in Class 10 Cleanroom

Leak tested using Mass spectrometer <1x10(-9) mbar.l/s

Component brands

Elgiloy Diaphragm

Zero particles @0.1µm

<10Ra micro-inch surface roughness

Gauge, and gauge positions

Component barstock-only source

<10ppb O2/H20 outgassing

Vacuum and pressure tested 100% production control

Filter at point-of-use

PCTFE standard seat (minimal volume)

Cleaned using 18.2MΩ·cm DI water

100p.s.i. operating pressure

High or Low Purity